All Ages welcome. Cash bar for 21+, multiple food kiosks open for dinner
The Official After Party is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! That’s right, you can come in, grab some food at one of the food vendors, get a drink at the bar, have some ice cream after, watch the contests, listen to the DJs, see some hand-picked artists and vendors displaying their wares, ALL FOR FREE! No convention badge is needed to attend the after party; you must have a convention badge to participate in either the photography or cosplay contests that evening. Badges will be available for purchase on site for walk-ins. Like what you see? Buy a Sunday ticket for the convention to see 100 times more of it!
Featured at the After Party:
Inaugural Michigan Cosplay Photography Shoot-Out: Photographers compete for best photo, using cosplay models and downtown riverfront Lansing scenery.
Cash Prize Costume Contest: Wear your best costume for a chance at CASH and more!
DJs Mark Cooper and Fluff313 spin their nostalgia-inducing original nerdcore music.